
Thursday, February 4, 2016

A Fragrance Rare

Copyright Glennda Short Field
 Garden Girl - acrylic on Canvas                              SOLD

Summer days, big hats, beautiful flowers are all things that make little girls hearts happy.  Bringing a freshly picked flower to your mom so she can enjoy this beautiful creation with you is part of the need.  Beauty so often needs to be shared.  My mom wrote a poem once upon a time.  Is goes like this-

I've seen through the eyes of my daughter
The beauties she wanted to share
So I held a rose from my garden
And enjoyed a fragrance rare.
I've beheld the majestic beauty
Of lofty mountains high
I've felt the sudden cooling spray of
Mountain streams rushing by.
I've felt the sudden nearness of God
When I kneel to pray.   

                           Martha June Short