
Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Checkered Past

A Checkered Past
Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas
24 x 24
Roosters are so colorful and have such attitudes.  They make for very fun painting.  This rooster is one of the legendary Hawaiian roosters.  When you visit Hawaii you can't help but come across many of these colorful characters. 

         "Rooster on the Green"                                                                           "White Poppies"


                 "Sweet Peas"                                                                                    "Newsboy Hat"
These four watercolor paintings are all approximately 11 x 14 and sell for $75

Friday, July 27, 2012

Acrylic Paintings in July

Multnomah Falls
24 x 30
Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas
(This painting took 1st Place at the Oregon Society of Artists Juried Show 2012!)

Multnomah Falls II
24 x 30
Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas

Evening in Purples and Blues
30 x 24
Acrylic on Canvas

12 x 12
Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas


These are a few of the paintings I've been working on this month. 

Multnomah Falls - I've painted Multnomah Falls many times trying to get it "just right".  These two versions are my favorite so far.  It is such a beautiful place.  It is only a few miles from my home and studio.  I go there often especially when I have out of town visitors.  It is the number one tourist attraction in the state of Oregon.  I am very blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the USA.

Evening in Purples and Blue - Our youngest son lived in California for a short time and on a trip to visit him we passed so many beautiful rolling hills on the way to Yosemite National Park.  We were returning from our day trip to the park and this is a slightly abstracted version of those hills in the cool evening colors. 

Sunflower - Sunflowers are so fun to paint because they are so Big and Showy.  This painting was purchased by my cousin Launa at our family reunion auction.  Every person who comes to the reunion donates something they've made.  The proceeds of this auction funds the next family reunion.  Thank you Launa for buying my painting!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Watercolor class demonstration paintings from Spring term 2012

I thought you might like to see what the subject matter was for the beginning to intermdiate watercolor class I taught Spring term 2012 at Clark Community College.  We selected a subject for each of the 8 classes.  It is different every term.  These are the paintings I demonstrated this term.  

 The title of this painting  describes the look on this man's face.  The object of this lesson was to show how to choose a color pallette to help portray the character.  It uses a simple background, hard and soft edges, a portrait composition and use of only two colors to achieve the finished painting. 


Capturing the light was the focus of today's demonstration painting.  This subject also gave me an opportunity to demonstrate painting white fabric.


Painting flowers is always a request in my watercolor classes.  Over the years we've painted lots of different flowers.  One that is always requested is the big, showy, fun to paint, Sunflower. 

Pears always give me an opporunity to share with the class the necessity of lights, mediums and darks in a painting to help create form and dimension.  Each of the pears show a highlight, mid value, core shadow; reflected light and a cast shadow.   All of these elements are necessary to help the pear shape move from a one dimensional drawing to a 3 dimensional form.  We also created a dark pigment from two complementary colors. 

"Three's a Crowd"

The class wanted to have one class on the subject of a building in a landscape.  I'd recently been to upstate New York and surrounding areas to see the Autumn colors.  This barn was one of a multitude of paint worthy sights.

I demonstrated the watercolor on the right in class.  Then I returned the following week with the acrylic version.  I created this version to show how to make a tradition subject more contemporary by simplifying the foregound and middle ground and I also intensified the color in the sky. 
                                           "Red Barn"                                             "Red Barn"
                                       Acrylic Version                                          Watercolor

Another simple demonstration of light, medium and dark values to created form.  I also demonstrated a simple "wet on dry" background, wet pigments on dry paper.  It is important, when painting flowers, to get the paint on the paper in the least number of strokes as possible.  This helps maintain the luminosity of the paint. 

"Pink Tulip"

This was our final demonstration of the term, a quick, loose, colorful painting of a rooster.  The roosters cocky attitude and beautiful color make it a class favorite. 

"Hawaiian King of the Yard"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Chic, chic, chick" watercolor painting in WSO Spring Juried Show

Chick Chick Chick is a transparent watercolor on Fabriano 140 cold press paper.  It originally had a little girl in the painting.  I cropped her off, plunged in a dark background to bring the attention to the two chickens on the right that are having a conversation.  I hung the painting up and looked at it for several months wondering if it was finished.  One day while working in the garden I came across a rusted chunck of chicken wire.  Immediately I had an idea for the background for Chick Chick Chick.  I laid the piece of chicken wire on the dark background and then "lifted" the paint in between the wires to create the wonderful spots of light behind the chickens.  DONE!